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High pressure self-tightening flange, like Holy Flute, makes every Chinese proud and elated

Author:賈清芳  Source:本站  Time:2010-4-3

Product tracking reports 2P

(2350 words)

Premier Wen Jiabao stressed eight words -- "quality, technology, security, efficiency in the inspection of Shenhua coal oil project". Among them, technology is the besttechnology to stand on one's own innovation, at the same time, the introduction of foreign advanced technology. He also pointed out, Shenhua is tons of enterprises, is an important part of the national energy security strategy, but also a significant scientific and technological exploration. At present in the world coal direct liquefactionof Shenhua is the first fully industrialized. While the "high-pressure self tight flange isbelongs to" stand on one's own outstanding technical innovation.

                                           This print journalist / Jia Qingfang

Inner Mongolia Dongsheng is the world's largest coal to oil project base, but also the world at present the first direct coal liquefaction project, the project cost 15000000000 yuan, on the design of coal feeding amounted to 6000 tons, the main building hasentered the final eight or nine months of this year, the commissioning. The project manager of Shenhua coal oil company Wan Guojie told reporters: "in the world's firstcoal oil for maximum device (Chengdou, Chengdu originated) Xu Zhihe Hou Liangping the two senior engineer r & D 'pressure self tight flange' occupies an important seat.Shenhua should appreciate them, countries should thank them."

Shenhua's thirsty, Xu Zhi brought the "dew"

In many cases, when you don't have the hardware facilities, also will lose power. "Highself tight flange" words power control in foreign suppliers hands, they say how how. In addition to the use of their products, you don't have a choice. In the words: "if million total domestic manufacturers which can develop the high pressure flange, is to helpthe Shenhua."

Coal oil technology patent for pipe connection explicitly require the use of the high pressure flange. However, there is no unified standard, there is no way to execute,Shenhua had to gather information from all over the world, understand the industry dynamics. At that time, many domestic manufacturers have never seen such a flange.If the order of foreign products, not only the long period, the service is not timely, and the use is not a one-time, if the device in operation to repair, or to change a, foreign suppliers from the news arrived at the repair site during this period of time, the device stops running, will be very heavy losses.

In as pressing danger, someone told the Shenhua, Chengdu originated machinerylimited company of science and technology is developing the flange. Wan Guojietread, immediately to the Chengdu originated the call, the product demands to thegeneral manager of the company Xu Zhi, asked whether to undertake this task, whenhearing the other side "phone no problem" answer, he excitedly told Xu: "when I amthirsty, you send me to the 'dew', all the staff on behalf of the first set of coal to oil the world's largest device, thank you!"

Xu Zhihe Hou Liangping developed the fifth generation of flange made a surpriseappearance than foreigners not only Shenhua, more beautiful, more refined, and afterpressure test, the effect is very good.

"We start order, the first order of thirty or forty pieces. My good service, many times to the scene to understand the installation and use, what the problem is solved in time,and now they are fully mature, as at present, Shenhua has ordered 200 more pieces of."

 With five of the world, in Asia, only this one

Able to withstand the most demanding "conditions of pressure and temperature is extremely high, does not allow high pressure flange leak", the world only 5: Italy is G-LOC, American is grayloc, the UK has two, vector and grayloc, and Chengduoriginated Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. is a fifth. Xu Zhihe Hou Liangpingdeveloped the "high-pressure self tight flange" not only to fill the domestic blank, inAsia, is unique.

Shenhua Coal Oil Co., Ltd. construction management department manager Sun Yunke told reporters: "to solve many practical problems of domestic enterprises, onlythis one, like a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment of China 'God.'."

Sinopec SEI Project Manager Zhang Baohai said: "from the on-site installation,whether in the machining accuracy or design result, has reached the international level of similar products. As for the seal to the final, it depends on the run to test."

According to Wen said words to understand, the world's first coal oil for maximumdevice attempts to explore the technical independent innovation in science, "Chengduoriginated" cannot be done not have, but also created a successful application of the first: the first in the world coal direct liquefaction full industrialization project.

Subversion of the traditional flange

Zhang Baohai tells a reporter, a "high self tight flange" consists of three main parts:the metal seal ring, two sets of joints and clamp assembly. He said, compared with the traditional flange, "inventory pressure self tight flange" smaller size, lighter weight,better overall sealing, strength and toughness is better, easier to install, smallerassembly torque, lower requirements. In the high temperature and high pressureequipment, do not need to bolt so big, also do not need so much traditional flange,flange is very clumsy, but the process is not. At the same time, the tensile resistance,bending resistance, compression resistance, impact resistance and corrosion resistance, rival traditional flange is not high self tight flange.

In Shenhua, "high self tight flange" is a subversion of the traditional flange. It not onlyfrom the structure, mechanical properties changed radically, to solve the traditionalflange run, run, drip, drain four drawbacks, the greater the pressure, sealingperformance is better, with environmental protection, energy saving, safety and other advantages, and has small size, light weight, high strength, good toughness,disassembly, convenient. In particular, the unique metal to metal seal, the safety performance is far superior to the other flange products, has the epoch-makingprogress.

Sun Yunke also stressed: "the test, parameter changes, 'sealing pressure self tight flange' is still very good, without any leakage."

Shenhua Coal Oil Co. Ltd., deputy director of Coal Refinery liquefied coal joint workshop equipment Wang Li told reporters: "the coal liquefaction is one of the worstprocess mining, coal oil on the flange wear very badly, and the 'high self tight flange'wear sleeve material and technology are advanced, the use effect very good."

Import substitution to save money

Shenhua Coal Oil Co., Ltd. Coal Refinery Equipment vice director Sun Huashanintroduces to the reporter said: "high self tight flange and foreign ones developed in the use of the theory of Xu, there is not much difference, after the hydraulic pressure test and air tight gas increase, imported and domestic haven't asked questions,before the operation medium, very good use. But it can save a lot of money for theenterprise, it is more than a few times the price. Such as high pressure flange 500 caliber, imported to hundreds of thousands of yuan. Don't see the foreigners' face'acting, good 3 months of cargo can be delivered, normally need 1 years time. Noadvance booking, repeated negotiations, production, delivery, acceptance of trival link. In the same specifications, the same material conditions, domestic 'high pressure flange' price is 60% foreign. Now, abroad also don't know we have high pressure flange of their own, as the market opened, the same flange price will drop 20% to 30%foreign."

Sun Huashan said, the current commonly used domestic high-temperature high-pressure device or the traditional flange, easy to have the accident. Because the import price is too high, in addition to good economic returns of enterprises, most of the enterprises are not afford. "Birth of high-pressure self tight flange" as well as in the Shenhua coal oil device on the successful application of similar domestic enterprises, to play a "reassurance" role, will gradually replace the inlet flange.

The reporter understands, "high self tight flange" can be widely used in oil and gas production, oil refining, chemical industry, aerospace, nuclear industry, shipbuilding industry and synthetic fuel processing and other fields. At present, "Chengduoriginated" can produce high voltage DN10 to DN600 diameter self tight flange.

Reporter notes:

In 2007, "soldiers surprise" that shocked the country TV brings a rare touch andsurprise. "Soldiers" fans can not forget a long time is XuSanDuo pursuit and be consistent from beginning to end of the faith, even in the "dissolution" after seven"steel even fight a lone battle", he also did not forget the "do not abandon, do not give up" this six word. Some people say "when" is fiction, deified, however, in the interview process, the reporters saw the reality of life in the "promise", Chengdu originatedresearchers to develop "high self tight flange" do not abandon, do not give up thebelief that all know them moved. In 4 years as one day, regardless of family andrelatives and friends against, put one's foot down into millions of money for research and development, and these research costs, are the company bear bitter hardships ininstallation project earned, arguably, enough to make the company survive, but theyhave to choose the development of "high pressure self tight flange" the hard road,this firm localization of faith and perseverance spirit of innovation, is not "reproduce"soldier assault of XuSanDuo? "Something is alive, to live is to do the right thing", from the plant source scientific research personnel, we really learned the "Santos" lifephilosophy.

Thankfully, the reporter to do new product R & D in Shenhua tracking interview, Godof Chengdu planting Chinese respect and evaluation of scientific research personnel's heart.

When you don't have the hardware facilities, also will lose power. "High self tight flange" words power control in foreign suppliers hands, they say how how. In addition to the use of their products, you don't have a choice. Xu Zhi developed a "high self tight flange", not only to regain the right to speak, to fill the domestic blank, in the world ranked "Five", in Asia, is unique.

Is this never abandon, never give up the belief, let "the localization of self tight flange"high pressure, is also this never abandon, never give up the belief, let the Chinese people a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment.

? 2014 Chengdu Zhiyuan Machine Science & Technology Co., Ltd. / TEL:028-85266505 85266063 85266506 / FAX:028-85266506-8009 / Email:cdzykj2002@163.com
ADD:D1-1301, Fund International Plaza, No. 6, Hangkong Road, Chengdu, Sichuan
