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Shenhua CTL encountered a worldwide difficult issue, which was successfully solved by Chengdu Zhiyuan with its ZY-LOC

Author:admin  Source:成都植源  Time:2010-4-3

Shenhua coal oil in the world problem

Chengdu originated ZY-LOC effort to restore justice

This print journalist / Jia Qingfang

Background news

Shenhua coal to oil project Erdos -- as the coal to oil project is the world's largest base and is currently the world's first direct coal liquefaction project, the success is directly related to the country's energy strategy. State leaders are very concerned about this,Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao, Wu Bangguo has to Shenhua coal oil base inspection.Among them, high-pressure pipe connector brings together the world's manufacturingcapacity USA, British, Italy and China "Chengdu originated" products.


X month X day, Shenhua and Chengdu originated signed a two-year frame agreement. The content includes: Shenhua give priority to purchase ZY LOC,"originated" to Shenhua certain price concessions and timely services; foreign product problems, "originated" to come to solve.

A solution of "clouds" as "Gee admiration"

"Lao Xu, your ZY LOC problems, please rushed to the scene." In late May, originatedfrom Erdos Mister Shenhua Coal Oil Co., Ltd. vice general manager Sun Huashan on the phone, he can not attend to the family of Wenchuan earthquake caused panic,decided to engineering and technical personnel to the construction site.

Construction site: and expert engineers face the presence of clouds, socket byChengdu originated manufacturing and India L/D reactor matching (HUB) DN450 F321leak occurs in the whole pipeline pressure test process, resulting in a car before the preparation procedure without method. Shenhua, Sinopec SEI, a construction of CPCagreed that "the problem originated" the quality of the products, to blame all eyesfocused on Xu Zhi, asking him to immediately come up with solutions.

The investigation scheme: Xu Zhi heart, because ZY - LOC in the process of customers because of quality problems never made any mistakes, Shenhua use of each product have to undergo a rigorous inspection of the factory, he does notbelieve that their products will have quality problems. So, calm forward based on the analysis of the investigation scheme: first, if the water pressure is increased to reduce leakage, no leakage, but increased, the sealing of related components are damaged;second, if the water pressure is increased, reduce the amount of leakage, instructions for installing the sealing pad placed is not standard, or bolt pretightening force is not uniform third, if the water pressure is increased; there, reduce the amount of leakage,may also be designed seal compensation amount is not enough or the manufacturing process of errors.

Results: according to the analysis of the Xu Zhi night after the water pressure, and remove the socket (HUB) examination, discovery is the first investigation results.Engineering for many years Xu Zhi concluded that the improper construction method,artificial damage, because the pipeline welding, need to do 900  stabilizing heat treatment, the construction unit after water pressure test will not remove the sealing ring, and the socket (HUB) together, and do the stabilizing heat treatment, a tightsealing ring out of difficulties, select the method is not reasonable force socket (HUB)of the sealing ring out, but the socket (HUB) of the sealing surface and seal ring is damaged, do not pressure seal. Construction team water pressure test leak, but temporarily can not find reason, mistakenly think that is a problem with the ZY LOCquality. Through the detection of such a practical process, Xu Zhi finally clarified "originated" product quality problems that.

Solution: the crux of the problem is found, we hope "originated" can help to come up with solutions to. Xu Zhi analysis, if to do a socket (HUB), welding, stabilization, costly and time consuming; if the choice of pipe milling in socket (HUB) injured sealing surface processing of a knife, remove the scar, the new design and manufacture of sealing ring with the match, both to save money and save time. Through the study of selected the latter, eventually solve this problem, has been highly evaluated Shenhua,Sinopec SEI and a construction of CPC.

American GRAYLOC problems originated to help tide over the crisis

To solve the problem soon after, Xu Zhi received a phone call from Shenhua, is different, this time is America GRAYLOC problems, need help Xu zhi. In order toShenhua interests from losses, "originated" in the first time send general engineer Hou Liangping rushed to the scene to understand the situation.

Construction site: coal liquefaction reactor core equipment XXXX manufacturingShenhua to spend hundreds of millions of huge amounts of money to buy India L/Dcompany, because the overall heat needed to manufacture process, and supportingthe equipment on the USA GRAYLOCDN450 material F321 socket (HUB) has emerged -- sealing surface deformation ovality 0.28mm, resulting in socket (HUB)neither the repair, and not to the original sealing ring is installed. This makesinstallation engineering and technical personnel at a loss, I do not know how to solvefor good.

Results: Hou Liangping rushed to the scene to school problems, GRAYLOC heat treatment after USA production quality problems. He after numerous observations,measurements and calculations, that the parts are "critical", past hope.

Maybe you will ask, is the product of American, why don't they make after saleservice? Its reason: one is the XXXX reactor Shenhua buy India L/D company is itself acomplete with American GRAYLOC, Shenhua and did not American GRAYLOC directsale, the Usa Inc will not come to "medical aid", at the same time, India L/D company is not to solve. Two because there is no way for the heat treatment of XXX reactor, evenAmerican GRAYLOC accepted the Shenhua's invitation, is unable to solve the set ofsection deformation in a short period of time (HUB) of the sealing problem. Can say, inShenhua construction site is a world difficult problem.

Was: socket (HUB) cannot repair, not on time and put into production, how to do?Hundreds of millions of funds is so wasted? The huge losses caused to the state? In this regard, Shenhua has no choice, only bet on "originated" body, hope can help"Shenhua" through this catastrophe.

Hou general thought for a moment, no Jedi said: "only the brains on the sealing ring."However, he was clearly than anyone else, although the basic principle of the flangefour countries are similar, but the structure is different, if "originated" to solve the problem, a considerable difficulty and risk, and the sealing ring material originalspecial, very expensive, if not solved, how to do time delay? Shenhua, Sinopec SEIrelevant leaders also know that "originated" responsibility to bear too great, for the relief of Hou Zong's psychological pressure, then put forward: if "originated" through the efforts of no way to repair, not to let "originated" responsibility.

Even if is not liable, "originated" also know this matter be no trivial matter., also do not want to fail and delay coal oil that has epoch-making progress project. However, this project is very important, standing in the Shenhua and country, "originated" can onlytake the world puzzle challenge.

Solution: Hou chief engineer decided and calculation methods for the "originated"structure theory, by changing the sealing ring sealing lip angle, sealing strip width and thickness, calculate whether meet the required strength and sealing socket (HUB)deformation ovality compensation requirements, re manufacturing and deformationsocket (HUB) sealing ring matching. In order to prevent the calculation parameters are incorrect, nearly 70 year old Hou Zong ran calculation basis at the construction site ofthe upstairs downstairs, after numerous repeated research, calculation and testing,he finally calculated with the casing damage section (HUB) of various parameters ofmatched sealing ring. According to these parameters, "originated" immediately under the single, all through the night to rush for the sealing ring, and sent by plane shaped sealing ring will be sent to Inner Mongolia site, eventually suppress success.

"Calculation method of plant source" with his many years to summarize a set ofstructural strength, save the Shenhua coal oil project. To prove their depth ofknowledge in this area, so that the presence of expert "originated" sit up and take notice.

A framework agreement to establish "originated" status

After 1 months, the good news came China Shenhua Coal Oil Co., Ltd. Erdos: hopethe signing of the framework agreement and "originated". The reason is: the need forspare parts inventory and other coal liquefaction device in various kinds of importedhigh-pressure pipe connector and a variety of spare parts, management, to establish a relatively stable market resources, ensure timely supply of high-pressure pipe connector and spare parts, in order to meet the factory starts and normal productionneeds. But Shenhua in the procurement, through debugging ready to cooperate with"originated" in the Shenhua coal liquefaction test, before driving, think "originated"product quality, delivery cycle, price, after sale service, solve the foreign productsexist in the project of the various problems and reputation can meet the requirements of the shenhua.

Xu Zhi therefore and rushed to the Shenhua negotiations, consultations, the final and Shenhua signed a two-year frame agreement. The content includes: Shenhua give priority to purchase ZY LOC, "originated" to Shenhua certain price concessions and timely services; foreign product problems, "originated" to come to solve.

In fact, before signing the purchasing framework agreement, "originated" has helpedChina to solve a series of problems appear foreign flange. In the interview, Xu Zhi'smobile phone has been ringing, originally, because of the loss of purchasing foreignflanged fittings, Shenhua also "originated" for help, and require them to use the shortest time served on the scene. This means "originated" and day and nightovertime production. Xu Zhi said: "the 'originated' have 'Shenhua' engineering as their own things seriously, a technical research and development personnel, not onlyproducts to first-class technology, first-class service quality, more first-class!"

We have reason to believe, the future "originated" company, will bring honor to Chinanational industry, will continue to create a another miracle.

? 2014 Chengdu Zhiyuan Machine Science & Technology Co., Ltd. / TEL:028-85266505 85266063 85266506 / FAX:028-85266506-8009 / Email:cdzykj2002@163.com
ADD:D1-1301, Fund International Plaza, No. 6, Hangkong Road, Chengdu, Sichuan
